When homeowners choose to go green and install a home solar system, they embark upon a journey that can get tricky at times. There are so many variables that could go wrong that could adversely affect your system’s output, and if you don’t catch these in time, it could bust your budget.
That is why it is necessary for every homeowner who wants to go green to learn all about home solar system errors. Solving these errors as soon as you notice them will prevent them from doing more damage to your system.
Read our guide to learn all about common solar system errors and how to fix them.
1. Solar System Sizing Mistakes
When installing solar panels, the first step is to determine how much power you need. However, many people make the mistake of overestimating their power needs. As a result, they end up with a system that is too large and inefficient. Not only does this waste money, but it also causes environmental damage.
To avoid making these home solar system errors, it is important to calculate your power needs accurately. You can do this by looking at your energy bills and determining how much power you use daily.
2. Orientation and Tilt Errors
Orientation errors occur when the solar panels are not facing in the right direction. They can be caused by incorrect measurements or by the panels not being level. Tilt errors occur when the panels are not tilted at the right angle. This can be caused by not taking into account the latitude of the location or by the panels being installed on an uneven surface.
These errors can be avoided by careful planning and execution during the choosing of solar panel designs and installation process. Pay close attention to the direction of the sun and the latitude of the location to ensure that the panels are facing the right way.
3. Inadequate Shading Analysis
Inadequate shading analysis can lead to your solar panels not getting enough sunlight, which will, in turn, lead to lower electricity production and higher costs.
Use a solar pathfinder to determine the best placement for your solar panels. Using a solar calculator determines the optimal tilt for your panels based on your latitude and the time of year.
4. Neglecting the Fine Print
In other words, not paying enough attention to the behind-the-scenes details such as obtaining the proper permits and claiming both state and federal tax rebates. While the latter doesn’t necessarily mean a botched job or a mountain of paperwork, it can lead to a lot of unrealized savings, which can be quite helpful considering the large, upfront cost to purchase and install a solar energy system.
Let’s start with permits. A lot of homeowners have reported receiving the wrong permits after applying. This can and does happen quite often, which is why it is absolutely vital that you take your time to carefully research which permits you need, as well as review the permits after you’ve received them to ensure everything is in order. The easiest way to find out which permits you need is by going online or by checking with the proper government agency in your jurisdiction.
Aside from the proper permits, you will also want to ensure that you’re taking advantage of any tax incentive you can find as this will lower your overall expense to install a solar energy system. Most tax-filing platforms are already set up to walk you through any renewable energy upgrades you’ve made. Moreover, depending on your preferred tax-filing platform, you should be able to file your federal taxes for free.
5. Not Accounting for Future Electric Needs
Homeowners oftentimes don’t factor in things like electric car charging, planned home additions, or even the possibility of selling their home and moving to a larger one. This can lead to a solar system that is too small to meet future needs, and an increase in electricity costs down the road.
Avoid These Home Solar System Errors!
If you’re thinking about installing a home solar system, it’s important to be aware of the potential home solar system errors that can occur. By doing your research and working with a reputable solar company, you can avoid these mistakes and ensure to enjoy the benefits of a solar power system.
With solar becoming an increasingly popular option for homeowners, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment.
Browse through our other articles on solar systems and home improvement to learn more. You can also check this guide on tax credits and permits to help you go through the process smoothly.